Wyatt Earp worked as a technical advi- The computer technician is taskedwith the development and main- sor to the film industry. The Investigator Handbook is an essential player's aid for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition roleplaying game Written for those who will be playing the roles of investigators, the Investigator Handbook contains expanded rules for creating players characters, a wealth of over 100 occupations and skill descriptions, as. world, with probably the most famous being the Pinkerton and Burns agencies (merged into one in modern times).Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Large agencies employ two types of agents: security guards and operatives.Credit Rating: 920 Guards are uniformed patrolmen, hired by companiesSuggested Contacts: Amateur athletic circles, sports and individuals to protect property and people against bur- writers, circuses and carnivals. Your collection. Experi- skills as personal specialties. Double this each range, written as short range/medium range/long range.round until extinguished (providing target is flammable). On inspecting a site, the userceremony, rite, etc. A lot will depend on Archeologists may discover reputation. Mechanical Repair, Operate Heavy Machinery, Throw, any one other skill as a personal or era spe- Skills: Art/Craft (Acting), History, Listen, Own Lan- cialty. In a work, their school and known history.situation where graduations of successmight be appropriate, a higher level of Forgery (05%): Adept at fine detail, the user cansuccess indicates the item made is of produce high quality fake documents, be it a personshigh quality and/or precision. Thus by default his $2050 is tied upAssets: Assets are the things that your investigator owns at the in his home.start of play and the dollar amount on the chart is the total value opportunity to roll dice to, in some way, save that key con- asks for a CON roll at Hard difficulty level to manage to carry nection. For the purpose of determining G (R/S): Rifle/Shotgun increased damage weapons are divided into two groups: G (SMG): Submachine Gun impaling and non-impaling. Lovecraft, Pickman's Modelinvestigator's handbook our investigators occupation deter- centration of the knowledge and abilities required for the mines the skills they are most proficient occupation you are developing. Look to this line of work? You may discover moreHave they learnt their skills in the about your investigators history G Attach a feeling. Younger pilots have either received towns, by County sheriffs departments, and state or regionalmilitary training during peacetime or learned on their own. Credit Rating: 930Designer Suggested Contacts: Coast guard, ship captains, mili- tary, law enforcement, smugglers.Designers work in many fields, from fashion to furniture andmost points in-between. 9. Many will have wealthy or regu- This occupation covers those wholar clients, who provide lists of sought-after and rare works. 71investigator's handbookmany try and go it alone, working out of their house or a Athletesmall office. The architect will Credit Rating: 3070 work closely with the Suggested Contacts: Booksellers, antique collectors, historical societies. Credit Rating: 940 Commercial sailors may work aboard a fishing vessel, Suggested Contacts: Businesses within the same sector,charter boat or haulage tankers, carrying oil or commodi- favored customers.ties. For riding animals, such as horses or 98chapter 5: skills1920s Anthropology 1920s ArchaeologyBy the 1920s, anthropology has clearly ecc4Sda1esibaiiAaelonm,Nntitvre9e0sytsdolfeientyut1Mtcl0o1nedethiieti1omnszh0r9cehoraotvat,egehnt2hheuenyetSswhpe2reieroedgtCosoeudonhyn,alhcirncduhibgnirjotesroilIoesehiselenutmcafni-aEshtseoacDatiyttiaragnhiesvahrge,ln.aayirPoceinoentnyrtdpnhrnahd,phos.ygaatdlagciaeaeesntoha-eHitnrosebetcshfocnEattyfddiaotesiliretsdageonsrvThaibofnynlogrtebemuoHyeyfpfirtdekorctea1tpEetiatIwMnandhrnht9BnrnExlohanegaed2eispkwxpfaehncu0oujlhepwtpanhioogcsssfnrlaaruhoriuiotAtrdeaecmachroarrslnxthrlitaneremditPoveiec-eaiaotraifnci:YaistlecdnaolisitavtsozdcSsmerhnhpana.tlhexihFeoouestettgSiuSiaugoicns,rodoHtoionmortnhioncetnmeneicvegowdna-esdb.di-le-l.-,divided itself into two disciplines:cultural anthropology and physical an-thropology, each subdivided differentlyin the U.S and in Europe. In such cases the similar background and tastes, fraternal organiza-deprogrammer effectively acts as an exit counselor. a little from 7th edi-Education tion rules, there is no -1 -1D4additional need to redo the ef- -2 -1D6 fects of age. What is it? Skills: Art/Craft (any), History or Natural World, one The work habits of authors vary widely. Roaming themountains, they endlessly search for the big strike that will Skills: Accounting, Library Use, Listen, Persuade,make them rich. (any), Library Use, Spot Hidden, Mechanical Re- pair, Navigate or Science (e.g. (Personal Description, Ideology/Beliefs, Significant People, G Try phrasing it in a way thatMeaningful Locations, Treasured Possessions and Traits). Credit Rating: 970Artist Suggested Contacts: Sports personalities, sports writers,May be a painter, sculptor, etc. ( Lovecraftian) Occupations important in Lovecraft's stories. S Add one of the following to the investigators Where an experience package requires an increase in acharacters age you should assign any additional skill points backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associatedarising from an increase in EDU prior to allocating the bo- with their experiences as a police officer.nus skill points granted by the package. Underlings in reality this could easily be the other way around, with theusually have specific areas of responsibility, such as oversee- moll working her boyfriend for all she can before skedad-ing illicit shipments, collecting protection money and so on. In the 1920s, the correspondent may work for a organized crime. suitable materials (inks, grades of paper, etc.) 1. There is a recommended minimumprefer a random approach; others prefer varying degrees of value of 40 for INT and SIZ, although this may be lower,freedom to exchange or modify the values, perhaps with a with the Keepers agreement.view to fitting the characteristics to a preconceived charactertemplate, or to fit their perception of game balance. Suggested Contacts: Others in the field of mental illness,Professor [Lovecraftian] physicians and possibly legal professions.Professors are academics employed by colleges and univer- Skills: Other Language, Listen, Medicine, Persuade,sities. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Prospector Credit Rating: 1040Though the days of the California Gold Rush and the Ne-vada Comstock Lode are long gone, the independent pros- Suggested Contacts: Psychological community, patients.pector is still a feature of the American West. nesses. tor was a part of them. Designer Dilettante [Lovecraftian]CpaorreiandntigstetR,haaanttidnmgaun:syDt nebtueemrsmpbieennretwsoittnhheiCnnretuhdmiistbrRearantogifnegom.ccEauyapcbhaetieocnhntorsyskeiinlsl Diverand that amount of occupation skill points spent.Saknnudog/wgoerisntsetohdceieiCrtyodnatyth-atacott-sda:aymSupegumgrsbeusetirtioso.nfTshtohefissethmoecacytuysppeaertviooefnapsmeidoigephalestfor the investigators backstory.Stsikkoiinllllsps:koiTilnlhtpesoemiingathystaaslrkseoilslsbpetehnuatsteoddnefttiohneefusterhthisskeoirllcstc;oupPpe-aurtspioo nntha. Harvey is 42 years old, so his MOV is Many of the skills remain unchanged and the values canreduced by 1 to 6. Its a useful way to introduce your investigator toGender of the Investigator the other players. Embed Call of Cthulhu Keeper Handbook to websites for free. A few aviators even service exams, police detectives of every era are grounded infind work as test pilots for the aircraft manufacturers. You may painting (oils, acrylic, watercolor), as well as sketching inspend skill points to purchase any skill specialization. Politics (e.g. Each category Look at the following to gauge a persons standard of of skill encompasses a range of pos- ability with a skill: sibilities and, to ensure brevity, skills have to be general summaries of intent 01%05% Novice: complete amateur. P. Lovecraft, From Beyondinvestigator's handbook his chapter looks at skills in detail, Skill Points: what do they mean? someone, a head-butt might be the most appropriate form of attack. Doctors may also serve as part- or full-time Medical Ex- aminers, conducting autopsies and signing death certificates for the city, county or state. are made with one penalty die. 59investigator's handbookOther Ways of Option 3: Choosing Where to PlaceCreating Investigators Rolled Characteristics Optional Rules Roll and record five rolls of 3D6 and three rolls of 2D6+6.The bottom line in creating an investigator is that you gen- Multiply each of these eight results by 5.erate a set of characteristics that fit within the appropriaterange of values. If creating a new occupation, confine the number Assassin see Criminalof skills to eight, otherwise the notion of an occupation be- Athleteing a concentration of knowledge and ability (skills) quickly Author [Lovecraftian]becomes pointless. Harvey wakes one over another. The signature setting for Call of Cthulhu, prohibition-era America is covered in detail. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Some who work in the church are trained in profes-sional skills, acting as doctors, lawyers and scholarsas ap- Credit Rating: 1070propriate, use the occupation template which best describesthe nature of the investigators work. 2,000 yards 1/2 1 only N/A 1920s, Artillery 6D10/ 3 Modern Hand yards 2 Separate N/A Modern Grenade* Artillery 4D10/ 3 1/4 Separate $1,500/- 1920s, 81mm Artillery yards Modern Mortar 1 Separate N/A Modern75mm Field Artillery 6D10/ 6 yards Gun Demoli- 120mm tions 10D10/ 2 Tank Gun yards(stabilized) Demoli- Ship- tions 15D10/ 4 mounted yards5-inch rifle, Firearms stabilized (Flame- 12D10/ 4 3,000 yards 2 Auto- N/A 98 Modern Anti- thrower) yards Personnel Firearms magazine Mine (Heavy) Claymore 4D10/ 5 In place In place One use N/A 99 1920s, Mine* yards Modern Flame- In place In place One use N/A thrower 6D6/ 20 25 yards 1 At least 10 N/A 99 Modern yards LAW* 93 1920s, 2D6+burn Modern 8D10/ 1 150 yards 1 1 N/A 98 Modern yardKey Skill: skill required to use the weapon.Acronyms: Damage: roll the dice indicated to determine weapons dam- age. Skills: Drive Auto, Electrical or Me-Confidence tricksters are usually smooth chanical Repair, Fighting, Firearms,talkers. 95 19 100 20 We considered the option of associating a characteris-tic with each skill (as with Dodge and DEX) but decidedagainst this approach. chemicals and drugs. The Keeper may ask perhaps shares in a business. ence is probably limited to stealing cars, shoplifting, mug- ging and burglary.Criminal AssassinCriminals come in all shapes, sizes and shades of grey. 4. tsmaamoaknsniaakeldldcscsLhheefE,aalioeelatnricevennitcrecratd,tairthchlitcciHheosaatemantculaarrdrbseRvsbkieseenieu.nyblpeeleodatc.ttiaihrrsMtTitmccerheaoomcuemllh,slp.tapsitotbnasOeerimtcenshatdueoelcticRoKsreroeeseblbpesplofpoaautteiihihlsrrrThe latitude for what could justify a pushed roll is wide, safIiwauiodtfgrnncihascchttdlieeoeynenNaeErs1dgbtolwmo0eailotncle%ieaEttnrghikrlentseibihstccnksottaetkMhgoitrllihieilolRmcemlinlawscenaphlepaotsoatakbudiRernmeioilrtredcita.ucpehetnHabwxalrtclMeaioiaoersmRlrn,elceoseechapdufhphonaluciuaueasndcc.isnseercliHcsicydencsohaagiaotmnvaiorflseandvpsR1euc1asr%eteyci0orhpncilh%e.aenolgnsasiflg,.sresand should be best determined by actions, motivations andevents within the game. While some used scien-long hours in close proximity with the animals in their care. Like this book? Credit Rating: 2070 Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) or Disguise, Firearms, Law, Listen, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Suggested Contacts: Old military contacts, commercial Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Spot Hidden, cabin crew, mechanics, airfield staff, carnival enter- any one other skill. Credit Rating: 930Big Game Hunter Suggested Contacts: Bail bondsmen, local police, crimi- nal informants.Big game hunters are skilled trackers and hunters who usu-ally earn their living leading safaris for wealthy clients. Something you found but you dont know what it is you seek answers (e.g. 54chapter 3: creating investigatorsPeriod Names, ContinuedMale Names Female Names Surnames Male Names Female Names Surnames50 Kirk Irene Lockhart 76 Percival Myrtle Schroeder51 Larkin Iris Luckstrim 77 Porter Naomi Schwartz52 Leland Ivy Lynch 78 Quincy Nora Shane53 Leopold Jeanette Madison 79 Randall Octavia Shattuck54 Lloyd Jezebel Mantei 80 Reginald Ophelia Shea55 Luther Josephine Marsh 81 Richmond Pansy Slaughter56 Manford Joyce McBurney 82 Rodney Patience Smith57 Marcellus Juanita McCarney 83 Roscoe Pearle Speltzer58 Martin Keziah Moses 84 Rowland Phoebe Stimac59 Mason Laverne Nickels 85 Rupert Phyllis Strenburg60 Maurice Leonora O'Neil 86 Sampson Rosemary Strong61 Maynard Letitia Olson 87 Sanford Ruby Swanson62 Melvin Loretta Ozanich 88 Sebastian Sadie Tillinghast63 Miles Lucretia Patterson 89 Shelby Selina Traver64 Milton Mabel Patzer 90 Sidney Selma Urton65 Morgan Madeleine Peppin 91 Solomon Sibyl Vallier66 Mortimer Margery Porter 92 Squire Sylvia Wagner67 Moses Marguerite Posch 93 Sterling Tabitha Walsted68 Napoleon Marjorie Raslo 94 Sidney Ursula Wang69 Nelson Matilda Razner 95 Thaddeus Veronica Warner70 Newton Melinda Rifenberg 96 Walter Violet Webber71 Noble Melissa Riley 97 Wilbur Virginia Welch72 Oliver Mercedes Ripley 98 Wilfred Wanda Winters73 Orson Mildred Rossini 99 Zadok Wilhelmina Yarbrough74 Oswald Millicent Schiltgan 100 Zebedee Winifred Yeske75 Pablo Muriel Schmidt 7. A famous person. Laborers fall in to two Skills: Accounting, Law, Library use, two interpersonalcamps: skilled and unskilled. Skills: Climb, Geology, Jump, Mechanical Repair, Oper-Laboratory Assistant ate Heavy Machinery, Stealth, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty.Working in a scientific environment, the assistant (or tech-nician) performs laboratory and administrative tasks under Lawyerthe supervision of a lead scientist. Shared experience. Adjust the following for theinvestigator: S If a believer, deduct SAN equal to amount ofS Choose a starting age of 20 or over. Other spe-his or her area of expertise. Credit Rating: 10-30 With the right client, a lawyer could become a celebrity Suggested Contacts: Universities, scientists, librarians. Many aviators dozens or hundreds of open cases. However, some Actoroccupations like Hacker for example, exist only in specific Agency Detectivesettings like the modern day. Credit Rating: 3060 Farmer Suggested Contacts: Business or military workers, local An agricultural worker who might own the land on which government, architects. Non-impaling weapons deliver G (MG): Machine Gun maximum damage (plus maximum damage bonus if ap- plicable). In the U.S., his or her responsibilities at any one time may number in the Some pilots actively serve in the military. Players are encouraged to playeither sex based upon their preference rather than tactical Your investigators day-to-day living standards are dictatedconsiderations. Tribe Member In modern times, stunt performers will largely be mem-bers of a union where they have had to prove their creden- In the sense of family allegiance, at least, tribalism is every-tials (such as advanced drivers license, divers license and where. grandfather).9. Naval sailors, like their counterparts in the Army, go The 1920s is the decade of the entrepreneur, and the traveling salesperson is a part of everyday life. school, university, Traits apprenticeship). Most are familiar with a broad range of different philosophies and magical theories, some believing that they Suggested Contacts: Local universities and scholars, can actually perform feats of magicthe veracity of such publishers, museum patrons. A variety of characteristics are used to calculatethem. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. scene. Their labors are solitary and the rewards solipsistic: only a relative handful make much Suggested Contacts: Art galleries, critics, wealthy pa- money in the present day, though in previous eras the trade trons, the advertising industry. These requirements, however, are Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2but a relatively recent development. Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Fighting (Brawl), Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Listen, Psychology, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty. an optional rule for the transferable skill benefit. 8. Similar occupations may include: Database Administrator, IT Systems Manager, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Multimedia Developer, Network Administrator, Software Engineer, Webmaster, etc. Thus, a cultist withAPP 17 POW 9 SIZ 16 EDU 16 CON 60 + SIZ 65 totals 125 divided by 10, yielding 12.5. Other countries also see such fringe religions springing up wherever there Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, trade contacts, are those in need of something to believe in. Additionally, you'll find extensive information on weapons of the 1920s, and tables with . them to solve mysteries, prevent murders, locate missing people, etc.Actor Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (STR x 2 or DEX x 2)Usually a stage or film actor. the following skills: Climb, Drive Auto, Fighting (Brawl), Firearms (Handgun or Rifle/Shotgun), First Aid, Intimidate, Law, Listen, Other Language, any two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Persuade or Intimidate), Track. The work might include making travel arrangements, networks, often working alongside other office staff (suchmanaging their employers diary and organizing household as project managers) to ensure systems maintain integrityfinances. longer. A character can spend dard; he may stay in moderately priced hotels, eat outup to his or her spending level with no expenditure of cash. Differ- Suggested Contacts: Other IT workers, corporate work-ent churches have different priorities and hierarchies: for ers and managers, specialized Internet web com-example in the Catholic Church a priest may rise through munities.the ranks of bishop, archbishop and cardinal, while a Meth- Skills: Computer Use, Electrical Repair, Electronics, Li-odist pastor may in turn rise to district superintendent and brary Use, Science (Mathematics), Spot Hidden, anybishop. (a parent, a anything once, lives on the edge). leOsIncectseukrpeilaslst-if wished. 125 to 164 +1D6 2 445 to 524 +5D6 6 165 to 204Points not allotted are lost! Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Asylum Attendant Credit Rating: 930Although there are private sanitariums for those few whocan afford them, the vast bulk of the mentally ill are housed Suggested Contacts: publishers, critics, historians, etc.in state and county facilities. Campaigner/Activist (e.g. They give your life meaning. 1. Accidents personality defers to personal honor. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (STR x 2 or DEX x 2) Bartender Credit Rating: 8-20. chapter 10: reference Weapons TableHand-to-Hand WeaponsName Skill Damage Base Uses per Bullets Cost 20s/ Malfunction Common in Range Round in Gun Modern Era 1D6+half DB 30 yards (Mag)Bow and Arrows Firearms 1D3+1+DB Touch 1 $7/$75 97 1920s, Modern (Bow) 1D3+half DB 10 feet 1 Brass Knuckles Fighting 1D6+burn Touch (Brawl) Touch 1 - $1/$10 - 1920s, Modern Bullwhip Fighting 2D8 Touch (Whip) 1D8+DB Touch 1 - $5/$50 - 1920s Burning Torch Fighting 1D8+DB (Brawl) Touch 1 - $0.05/$0.50 - 1920s, Modern Chainsaw* (i) Fighting 1D6+DB 50 yards (Chainsaw) 1D8+2 Touch 1 - -/$300 95 ModernBlackjack (cosh, Fighting 1D6+DB Touch life-preserver) (Brawl) 1D6+1+DB Touch 1 - $2/$15 - 1920s, Modern Fighting 1D8+DB Club, large (Brawl) Touch 1 - $3/$35 - 1920s, Modern(baseball, cricket 1D4+2+DB Fighting Touch 1 - $3/$35 - 1920s, Modern bat, poker) (Brawl) 1D4+DB Club,small Firearms Touch 1/2 1 $10/$100 96 1920s, Modern (nightstick) (Bow) 2D8+Stun 6 feet Crossbow (i) Fighting Stun Touch 1 - $0.50/$3 - 1920s, Modern (Garrote) STR feet Garrote*(i) Fighting 1D8+DB 20 yards 1 - $3/$9 - 1920s, Modern (Axe) 1D4+half DB Touch Hatchet/Sickle Fighting 1D3+half DB STR yards 1 - $4/$50 - 1920s, Modern (i) (Brawl) Touch 1D8+1 1 - $2/$15 - 1920s, Modern Knife, Large Fighting 1D8+half DB (machete, etc.) If it youll notice some changes have been made in 7th Edi- is a skill in which you are likely to spend points, the ben- tion. stands by his or her friends, never breaks a promise, would die for his or her beliefs). Traditionally the butler Persuade), is charge of the dining room, wineBounty Hunter cellar and pantry, and ranks as theBounty hunters track down and return fugitives to justice.Most often freelancers employed by Bail Bondsmen to track highest male servant. phasize its personal nature. Brushes,Officer, which carries with it a prestige respected by even vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias are only a few of thehigh-ranking officers. That reality overwhelms the worst, who eventually forfeit any sensibility except the power of their words. By even vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias are only a few aviators even service exams, police detectives every... Their house or a Athletesmall office only in specific Agency Detectivesettings like the modern day, so his MOV many! Day-To-Day living standards are dictatedconsiderations on inspecting a site, the correspondent may work for organized! Way thatMeaningful Locations, Treasured Possessions and Traits ) right client, anything... 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