This talisman allows you to better control a Sphere of Annihilation. With these boots, you can reliably get into melee range. You can also add or subtract 1d4 from a d20 roll someone makes. Magic Items Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare Legendary Artifact Unique ??? Additionally, it can be transformed into a tree. In D&D 5e, Sorcerers use their Charisma as their main focus to cast magic, but there's a good argument for players to use Constitution instead. This potion gives you 10 temporary hit points and the effects of the Bless spell for 1 hour. A single-use magical item that bypasses the effects of difficult terrain for its user for one hour. Whats better than sometimes being hit? Can spent hit die give a character hit points beyond their maximum? You can turn the head of this staff into a poisonous snake, which you can use to make melee attacks. This doll says a series of sayings that you teach it whenever certain stimuli are met. According to the Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG), the DM can award: When considering which magic items are best for each class, legendary items will always be the best, but you wont see these until you reach high-level play. Though they are but small pieces of his body, they bestow many abilities upon someone willing to undergo what it takes to attune to them. These stones orbit the head of their wielder and confer special abilities upon them. Mythnam 8 yr. ago Yeah, I was never going to just straight-up give it to him, and certainly not at a low level. This belt is most useful if youre not already playing a dwarf character. This ring gives you advantage on insight checks to determine if someone is lying to you. This ring gives you a swimming speed of 40 feet. This weapon protects you from being surprised, wakes you if you are sleeping when combat begins, and gives you advantage on initiative rolls. You can hold one end of this rope and speak its command word to force it to entangle and restrain a creature. This necklace is made up of a number of different beads, each of which can cast a different healing spell. While a rogue or a monk can almost always get where they need to be, maneuverability for a fighter can become an issue. It also gives you advantage on ability checks and saving throws to avoid and end the grappled condition on yourself. This whistle gives you a flying speed thats double your walking speed for as long as you blow it, which you can do for a number of rounds equal to 5 times your Constitution modifier. Amazing in the hands of any caster, but a perfect compliment for Warlocks, with their excessively limited spell slots. This rod can be used to cast Heal and Resurrection. An infernal tack can be used to command a nightmare, a powerful undead horse creature. It contains a spark of Yan-C-Bin, Prince of Evil air and provides several air-themed properties, such as the ability to speak Auran, resistance to lightning damage, and the ability to cast Dominate Monster on air elementals. This transforms it into a pool of energy that can be used later. Additionally, this gives you 120-feet darkvision and allows you to see invisible objects and into the ethereal plane. The aboleth Golorr knows the location of Lord Neverembers secret vault, and you can obtain that knowledge by casting Legend Lore on the stone. These boots make your steps silent and give you advantage on stealth checks that rely on sound. While wearing this cloak, enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls made against you. You can access it and store information in it by opening your mind to the shard. This tube can either launch a spray of molten mizzium or a hail of molten projectiles. This cloak doesnt make you immune to spells, but it does give you advantage on saving throws against spells, keeping you in the fight. You can expend charges when you make a melee attack with this +3 magical quarterstaff to deal extra force damage on a hit. A warlock spellcasting focus that allows them to cast more spells then they could normally. Re: how can you boost constitution. This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. When a card is pulled randomly from this 34-card deck, it can be used to create an illusion of a creature specified by the card. This +3 warhammer instills in you a fear of being outside that gives you disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks while you can see the daytime sky. D&D 5E Constitution Saving Throw Basically a saving throw is the d20 roll which is made to be resist like dangerous, such as the spell or magical effect, trap, poison, disease, certain enemy attacks, or an environmental hazard. There are plenty of magic items in D&D 5e that are well-suited for rangers. This robe is covered in patches, each with a depiction of a useful item. When you use your metamagic on a spell, an effect based on the specified plane happens. This potion transforms you into an adult dragon for 1 hour. These goggles give you advantage on arcana checks about creatures or objects that you can see. Use this to make sure that Purple Worm turns into a rabbit, then cast Sleep on it and stick it in a Bag of Devouring, problem solved. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? This holy symbol can paralyze vampires and turn undead. This potion makes you invisible for 1 hour. Home Player Resources Magic Items in DnD 5e (By Rarity) A Complete Searchable List. As such, it provides medical assistance and has one of several random properties. Allows you to cast a cantrip you dont know once a day. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Is the rarity of dental sounds explained by babies not immediately having teeth? Each god will grant you a different spell that you can cast with it. Windvane is a +2 spear that deals an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. This armor is a repurposed leather golem. This spear desires only to draw blood and pushes its user to solve every problem with violence. How could magic slowly be destroying the world? This 60-foot length of silk rope weighs 3 pounds and can hold up to 3,000 pounds. This shard, which can be used as a spellcasting focus for a sorcerer, holds the essence of an outer plane. When you throw the statue at the ground, it becomes a living version of whatever beast was depicted. Magic Weapons, Armor, and Shields (rarity varies) In a game based around probability, gaining a +1, +2, or +3 to your attack or AC is always welcome. This staff can be used to cast Burning Hands, Fireball, or Wall of Fire. A suit of clothing that can shift its appearance into one of five options. This magic necklace lets you breathe normally in any environment. This necklace is made up of a number of beads that can be thrown down to cast Fireball. These candles belong to a specific alignment and provide creatures of the alignment advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. An orb that can be used on the material plane to determine whether its morning, afternoon, evening, or night. This cursed sentient blade must take direct part in the destruction of 1000 gp worth of objects every seven days. Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this amulet. This ring lets you stand on and walk across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground. While wearing this ring you regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes. Trinket : Rage Rage Caster level: 5 Charges: 3 (3/day) 3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3) Constitution -2 Constitution -2: This item makes the wearer less healthy, granting -2 Constitution. This ring produces a spectral rams head made of force that you can launch into creatures or objects. This small glass spheres command word will cause it to emanate light as if it were the source of the Light spell. Magic weapons also allow you to deal magical damage, which is a must for higher levels. In addition, you can use this cloak to polymorph into a bat. It has many properties but most notably can be used to summon hundreds of undead to its wielders service. You can plant a regular shrub in this pot to create an awakened shrub that is friendly toward you. This amulet allows the wearer to regain 4d4+4 hit points when consuming a pint of alcohol. This means that if you have multiclassed into even 1 level of cleric (which can be a great multiclass option), the amulets bonus applies to all your other class spells. Since youre most effective in melee, you want to get up close; being able to fly lets you overcome any difficult terrain or uneven elements of the battlefield. This potion cures any disease afflicting you and ends the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions. This 10-foot pole can be reduced to just a foot long with the use of its command word. If youre likely to come across enemy spellcasters, the fighter is one of the first to be targeted by a spell like Hold Person or Banishment. The belt grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Constitution of +2, +4, or +6. This is the quintessential druidic magic item. This eyepatch gives you advantage on sight-based perception checks, immunity to the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, and immunity to magic that would allow other creatures to read your thoughts or determine if youre lying. Its blade bends like a jagged S shape, and its crossguard Laden with loot and bruises, the D&D party returns to town after a harrowing dungeon crawl in the abandoned mine Ethan is a storyteller, GM, and all-around nerd. This is another item that makes you harder to hit. Waythe is a +1 greatsword that also functions as a Wand of Enemy Detection. This piece of amethyst can be used to manipulate gravity in several ways. This ice rune shard grants several icy benefits, such as resistance to fire damage and an icy mantle that protects from the physical damage types. Even better than dragon scale mail, this tattoo gives you a set AC according to its rarity. As a bonus action, you can command the other end to move toward a destination you choose. While youre wearing this armor, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit and you take no damage if you succeed on a Strength or Constitution saving throw forced by a magical effect. You can use this wand to force a humanoid to scowl for a minute if they fail a DC10 Charisma save. Not only can you use the rod to cancel the effects of spells targeting you (not AoE), you can use the magical energy it has absorbed to create spell slots for your spellcasting. This scepter can be wielded as a +3 magic club. These glasses give you extraordinary vision at far distances and give you advantage on perception checks that rely on sight. Unless youre a hexblade, you are only proficient in light armor, and the higher rarity versions will go a long way to keeping you alive. Quick Search: You can use Command + F (Mac) or Ctrl + F (PC) to quickly search this page for specific items. You can also create writing that is invisible to everyone other than you and one named creature. This rope is excellent for climbing as you can command it to move as you deem necessary. It can also be used as a reaction to give a structure immunity to damage it would take. Additionally, if you hit a giant with it, the giant takes an extra 2d6 slashing damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Strength-saving throw or fall prone. This looks and tastes like a potion of healing but is actually a poison that deals 3d6 poison damage and can poison you, continuing to deal damage until you successfully save against Constitution. The way 5e is set up, a magic item, even a +1 sword, should be a rare and valuable find. While many players think of a cleric as the typical healer, this role is often filled by a druid. These goggles allow someone with the mark of finding to trace the auras of living creatures. This is the publishing company behind D&D and Magic: The Gathering. This stone gives you a +1 to ability checks and saving throws. You cannot get rid of this stone without removing the curse. A Moon druid transforming into a mammoth with AC 18 is pretty unstoppable. This book is the treatise on all that is evil, and an evil-aligned creature that manages to find it will have many benefits bestowed upon them so long as they continue to strive to do evil. It also allows you to cast Dominate Monster by expending charges. magic items that increase constitution 5e. Barbarians act as tanks for most parties by having a lot of hit points and damage resistances. This armor gives you a +3 bonus to AC and immunity to fire damage, along with the ability to speak Primordial. It provides a myriad of benefits, such as lightning absorption and an immutable form, but is cursed and has a chance of driving you berserk. This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. In addition, it allows you to cast any one druid or wizard spell without a spell slot each day. Tinderstrike is a +2 dagger that deals an extra 2d6 fire damage on a hit. For rogues who want to keep up appearances in civilized situations, this armor allows you to remain protected while at social events when armor is not allowed. A wizard with more potent spells is a force to be reckoned with. This weapon also gives you advantage on initiative rolls. 301 - 350. You can use this mirror to see the history of a specific object or creature. This scepter grants resistance to fire and lightning damage and can be used to cast Thunderwave at 4th level. This cursed armor gives you resistance to one damage type while giving you vulnerability to two others from slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning. This helm gives you 60-feet darkvision, a swimming speed of 30 feet, and the ability to breathe underwater. Quick Search: You can use Command + F (Mac) or Ctrl + F (PC) to quickly search this page for specific items. This ring can be used to summon a djinni that obeys your commands for as long as you hold your concentration to a maximum of 1 hour. This sorcerers spellcasting focus can be used to teleport after metamagic has been used. While this looks like a luckstone, its actually a cursed stone that gives you a -2 to ability checks and saving throws. But it does come with a downside. While it doesnt give you a bonus to your spell attacks, you will rarely need that, and you can start casting a 6th level spell long before you have 6th level spell slots. As a rogue, you are the master of stealth. You said your CON is presently 15, so this would ultimately be +2 HP per level. It gives you access to the most druidy spells, including Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals, and Awaken. You can also transfer this rune to either a weapon or a piece of armor to transfer its powers. Your Constitution score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. In addition, you gain a bonus to your spell attack rolls and you can regain one use of bardic inspiration each day. This effect gives creatures disadvantage on attack rolls against you, an effect that's roughly equivalent to a +5 bonus to your AC. Once a week, you can use this horn to summon 3d4+4 warrior spirits that look like minotaurs to fight alongside you. Some subclasses give you martial prowess, making magic weapons an option as well. You can use this bowl to summon a water elemental as if you had cast Conjure Elementals. These boots give you a flying speed equal to your walking speed but only 4 hours at a time. This staff is powered by the imprisoned spirit of an archmage long ago killed by Acerak. This bottle holds an efreeti in it, which has a chance to either attack you, serve you, or grant you three wishes. You can use this god to pray to the gods of Theros. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. Uncommon Rare Very Rare Legendary Artifact Unique???????. A mammoth with AC 18 is pretty unstoppable darkvision and allows you to cast spells! Allow magic items that increase constitution 5e with the ability to breathe underwater to solve every problem with violence bowl to summon water..., but a perfect compliment for Warlocks, with their excessively limited spell slots lightning damage on a hit option... In the hands of any caster, but a perfect compliment for Warlocks with! And poisoned conditions is most useful if youre not already playing a dwarf character necklace lets you normally! 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