Thus, we recommend that all patients under amlodipine talk to their doctors about the best way to discontinue amlodipine if they are planning to do so. This issue has been consulted with Nephrologist in one of the renown hospitals of India. We do promise a smooth ride, so hop on! how long for swelling to go down after stopping amlodipine. It is very important that your doctor check your or your child's progress at regular visits to make sure this medicine is working properly. I am now more worried about the PEs than the cancer even though I am taking the blood thinner Riveroxyban for six mnths, This is because my thighs have started feeling very warm and have some ankle swelling. My GP switched me to Amlodipine 5 mg at my last visit, since she thought it might be contributing to a cough that I attributed to seasonal allergies. Normally the swelling persists as long as you are on Amlodipine. My question is, do I really need to go to urgent care? Up to a quarter of patients may eventually develop this complication. I know it is september but I am going through what you experienced and probably will have to call doctor Monday but interested in what you did. They were itchy. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. What did you do and did it work? Sitemap. I'm hoping to know if it's normal for the onset of the swelling to occur so long after starting taking Amlodipine, and if there are any suggestions for how to reduce the swelling. This sums up to 15.6% of patients. My BP is lower then it was when I was on drugs and I feel healthier too. Slight fever or chills. Haven't taken the bb yet as heart now down to 64 which is too slow for me. Clonidine Withdrawal - What Are The Symptoms & How Long Do They Last., Choulerton, J., Mudd, P., & Mac Mahon, M. (2010). I was on one for years, couldn't get my nurse practitioner to refill until I come in and was also taking Inderal. verified customers, however we cannot guarantee the specific results they describe.FDA Disclaimer: No I TRULY HOPE EVERONE OF YALL THAT COMMENTED ON HERE ABOUT THIS MEDICINE I HOPE YALL ARE DOING WELL, I was taking 2.5mg of amlopidine. yep i didnt till i went to 10 mg then it started small little rash bumps on my face only that are not itchy and swelling ankles and feet after 3 day of this medication being increased from 5 to 10 the rash started the next day the swelling on the 3rd day. I am in the same situation right now. All right reserved. Since then, researching, learning, and teaching have been the cornerstone of my medical practice, and I believe information is the most important asset a patient can have before and after visiting a doctors office. you can follow my twitter at @MustafaAhmedMD. Alberto Parra is a licensed General Practitioner. By stopping amlodipine, different tissues can reduce their blood flow. What to expect from Amlodipine-induced swelling? I am an 80 year old African American female. This also complicated by other medications taken..? I want to get a lipid profile to see if my diastolic is high due to arteriosclerosis. I brought home bp monitor in to test it against my dr and mine was off by 14 points so im going back down to the 5 and i might just change the medication all together if it continues because of the 10 mg triggering it. DOPPLER ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. What she can do l don't know as l seem to get more help and information from yourself and others on here. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use I hope you are correct in that side effects do eventually leave the system. One common side effect of amlodipine is fluid retention, commonly called swelling. I had seen my Dr about this who had changed my medication to Rampril. The most critical side effect of stopping amlodipine is an increase in blood pressure readings. I blamed it on skin ointments. I have been on Amolodipine for a few years and recently my ankles are quite swollen, since Ive taken the med for quite some time could I have a reaction now? Answer : Yes. I stopped 2 days ago and what a difference.. The American journal of cardiology,64(17), I122-I128. It happens to a very limited number of people and is considered rare. In this section, we look at what affects your blood pressure and the best things you can do to lower your blood pressure naturally. I have been experiencing numbness in my face, scalp, lower abdomen, near my lips and in my face for about a week, now. There is swelling inside the actual sleeve that will last for up to three months (according to my doctor) and that will let you be able to eat a little more than you can in the beginning, but it is certainly not something that you can see from the outside. Neth J Med,77(9), 341-3., Loutzenhiser, R. D., Epstein, M., Fischetti, F., & Horton, C. (1989). We know that amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker, right? But the veins do not get dilated at the same time. After looking at what might have changed this is the closest conclusion the increase. This side effect may not show up in some people. As for the palpitations and weakness, I'm afraid I can't really pinpoint when they disappeared coz it was like I just realized one day that I haven't experienced those for some time. About 10 days ago my Amlodipine which started at 2.5, then increased after a yr to 5 mg was increased to 10 mg 10 days ago. products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. How Long for Swelling to Go Down After Stopping Amlodipine? How long does it take after stopping amlodopine for the swelling to go away? Find out how amlodipine treats high blood pressure and helps to prevent heart disease, and how to take it. Why And How Exactly The Swelling Forms After Starting Amlodipine? This phenomenon ultimately dilates the arteries. Good afternoon,in 2014,i woke up in the morning,i couldnt breathe well,it was strange,so i went to see the cardiologist,he immediately placed me on (spirilactone 50mg,dicoxine 0.25mg,lisanopril 10mg,ferusimide 80mg,vasoprin,.and all of a sudden i started feeling better.In june 2016,my condition became bad,i saw another cardiologist,and she placed me on co-diovan 160/25,it was okay for sometime,before it relapsed,i was admitted in the hospital in june 2017,i was diagnized with high blood pressure,congestive heart failure,Angina and irregular heart beat.i recovered,i was placed on (spirilactone 50mg-twice daily,allopurinol 100mg-three times daily,amlodipine 10mg-once daily,cataflam 50mg),but my biggest problem is i can hardly work,i have severe swelling on my ankle and feet,i complained to the doctor,they said the level of uric acid in my body is too high,the pain is unbearable,i cant work out,i cant sleep well,i can barely function,im having problem breathing well,eating, over weight,having chest pain periodically,I have stopped using the amlodipine for 2 days now,it got finished and i havent bought a new one.please what should i do,what can i take for this severe pain on my left ankle and feet,what can i use to substitute the amlodipine 10mg,please help me,i need help.i have taken alot of pain relievers,i even placed my self on diclofenac injection 75 ampulles just to reduce the pain. If you are experiencing severe or very uncomfortable side effects of your current therapy, you must talk to a healthcare professional to find a solution that considers what you feel and does not increase your cardiovascular risks. So dont get very overwhelmed once you face this side effect. Thx. I want to stop cold turkey, but I was told I need to wean to avoid a major spike in my pressure. They are primarily due to a return to the baseline disease. The only side effect that I have experienced is swelling around my ankles. Clicking on the following link will take you to the FDA prescribing information for amlodipine that contains this long list of uncommon and rare amlodipine side effects and details about other studies of the drug. If you are already prescribed Amlodipine, then you probably have some heart conditions. I took my Bisoprol betta blocker as usual and perhaps 2 hours later felt light headed and nauseous. My tapering .. It reduces symptoms such as chest pain and the risk of cardiovascular complications. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But I would say that that would be around the 2 month mark. 2022 BENSNATURALHEALTH.COM. Interestingly, women are more likely to get the swelling, and most people tolerate this well and do not have to discontinue the medication. George, appropriate medical assistance immediately. Skin Effects Long-term use of amlodipine medication can cause skin side effects in some cases. It does mimic the pre-conditions for heart failure, and I am concerned that it make have done damage from those last few months even though it has been out of my system for a time now. The thought is it could be occipital neuralgia, and I will be seeing a neurologist along with my general practitioner within the next week to begin trying to nail down the exact reason; however, in the meantime, I am wondering how prevalent it is for people to have a numbness reaction to taking this medication. If you're in the Chicago area, please contact our office at 773-296-6700. I took it for roughly two years and in the last few months the side effects gradually got worse, and the GP I was seeing had the bright idea to raise the dose to 10 mg. Bad mistake, and I should have refused-which is something I do with any doctor now since Ive had problems with a few drugs over time. Long-term use of amlodipine medication can cause skin side effects in some cases. Your ankles swell because your body is retaining excess fluids. I went to my Dr who had found out my blood pressure was a little high and put me on the same as you. I am a 30 year old physically active, African American male with FSGS and proteinuria. Just after 1 month of this I had severe leg, abdominal pressure and bloating! I've stated your ears as if any of them become blocked with wax dizziness can be caused this way too. When hypertension returns, not all patients will experience symptoms. Major feet and leg swelling. Side effects include edema in the ankle area, headache, and dizziness. This is why it is encouraged to move your swollen ankle or feet as gently as possible for some period of time. understand that may opt out of bensnaturalhealth I am having an issue with that as well, numbness in toes, and a moderate burning sensation, and stiffness, with some swelling (not much). Amlodipine is safe when taken as directed. MANY people have had side effects on this, including myself. !I feel horrible!! Thats when my feet and ankles swelled. But as they say, time heals. Withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs in older people. Both of my ankles and feet are swollen. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. my doctor said i could stop amlodipine. But while this may seem like the best way to rest your injury, it isn't. In fact, studies have shown that staying active as soon as possible after breaking any kind of bone increases mobility . Can You Use Neosporin for Anal Fissure: Is It Effective? This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Typically, we will see edema go down about two weeks after an injury or surgery. The swelling went away, but some of the numbness remains 9 months after stopping amlodipine. The doctor then bumped my dosage up to 10 mgs, and ever since then I get seemingly random swelling in my feet, ankles, and knees that varies in severity. Hanna says : I would be looking for another doc. Things You Can Do To Reduce The Swelling By Yourself, When Should You Consider Seeing Your Doctor, 2019 - 2022 Are there other blood pressure medications that work like Amlodipine but do not cause all of the swelling? No. Blood tests may be needed to check for unwanted effects. Hope u feel better reading this For the pain, mine disappeared gradually over the course of 3 or 4 months though it started to subside in about a week. The generic name Amlodipine is basically found in the market named as Norvasc. I couldnt breath pain in ankles stiffness and pain in hands etc.I stopped it immediately6 mths later my legs are still a swollen mess, short of breath and terrible pain. It's been a year and a half and I feel great. My doctor started me on 5 mg. Im not a fan of taking medications, but have tried reducing on my own with no long term success. Withdrawing antihypertensives on the basis of orthostatic hypotension. Treating hypertension is not always done with antihypertensive drugs. Im not a Doctor, but I wish I was someone that could help people learn about these medicines, because every medicine has side effects, and I do believe there are some medicine that do really help a lot. You should discuss an alternative medication with your prescribing physician. Whats your experience with Amlodipine? All calcium channel blockers work by blocking calcium ions from coming into blood vessel muscle cells. All Rights Reserved. It happens because there are hemodynamic changes, as mentioned above, and your body needs to adapt to the changes in the blood flow. My feet/legs swell (and even up to my lower abdomen too), so much so that my skin stretches until its tight and thin, then it becomes covered in small 'blisters' or little bubbles of fluid trying to get out. Can l cut pill in half . Another bad night of heart racing, 136 this time. There are not always symptoms of rebound hypertension. Ive experienced some swelling on the bottom of my right foot. But I have what looks like a concentration of freckles around my feet. 3. Very questionable drug at best. In studies of amlodipine fatigue was reported in 5% of people taking the drug. I talked with my cardiologist and she said it is unlikely that the itching on my arms is caused by this medication. The urgent care part of it may have been to rule out other possible causes, also the legs turning red and purple is a little atypical for amlodipine. Shes on the 10 mg.Someone Answer? And your weight, because it takes longer to remove the drug in people with excess body weight. Here is a list provided below so you can check and compare your own symptoms, if you are on Amlodipine! You are taking amlodipine for your high blood pressure or chest pain for some time now. The E.R doctor took it upon her self to raise my amlopidine to 10mg .weeks after I too am suffering from the swelling .lower leg more of .and the foot n ankle area at times .not too mention other issues it was causing making me feel like crap. Keeping the area under light pressure will help your swelling to subside slowly. I truly think that this drug increases the chances of Congestive Heart Failure since it dilates vascular AND cardiac tissue. If you stop controlling your blood pressure, there is a risk of acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiac arrest. However, for some people, it may take months [1]. how long for swelling to go down after stopping amlodipine aricept. Suggest u not watch too much yr heart rate as it just promotes anxiety and becomes a vicious cycle if u distract yourself by planning some non intrusive activities and meet some people over the next 2 weeks and move focus away from this .. it may just help .. Well Ive been on and load up in 10 mg and then they lowered me to 5 mg due to the leg and ankle swelling and after four maybe five months of being on 5 mg once a day my legs and ankles swelled so much I could hardly walk they hurt I stop taking amlodipine four days ago and the swelling and stuff is still there now Ive got a like a red rash through the middle of my calf down to my ankles. I took this medicine. I was on this drug for too long, in my opinion. what determines whether leg and feet swelling is because of water retention rather than a vascular problem of poor circulation causing blood to pool in ankles and feet, appearing as swelling? Disclaimer:this article does not constitute or replace medical advice. Ive been taking it for about 10 days now and I noticed two instances when I start to exercise, my chest feels tight and I feel slightly short of breath for a few minutes. Not feeling too good, bad headache etc. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker that comes into action by stopping calcium from entering the heart and artery cells. So, apart from the brand-name drug, you could find it mixed with other ingredients in the same pill. To view profiles and participate in discussions please. This is a fairly common side effect caused by amlodipine. I would like to try and leave them off and see how my blood pressure goes. I have swollen ankles too. At the same time, creatinine level from 1.2 to 1. BUT DANG THESE DRUG COMPANIES ARE SPITTIN STUFF OUT LIKE CANDY TO MAKE MONEY. I tend to ask myself about the intensity and frequency of these unusual episodes or "dips" are they generally managable.etc. Need a Consultation? Amlodipine is often used in conjunction with other blood pressure meds. I had two serious spikes and took 39 days to wean off, then put me on Amlodipine which is tearing my stomach up and causing chronic constipation. I had a chest tube. Generally you would see your ankles, feet, lower legs and arms getting affected by this edema or swelling. If one side is swollen, a work up to rule out other causes should be performed also. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. If you want to exclude those reasons, you should probably compare your symptoms with other side effects of Amlodipine. Or else they will prescribe some diuretic drugs to reduce the edema along with Amlodipine. Congestive Heart Failure, Liver Cirrhosis, and certain Kidney diseases can cause edema as well. This calcium channel blocker lowers blood pressure in part by interfering with the flow of calcium into artery walls. Read More. If you feel your condition is getting out of hand, then go visit your health consultant and ask them to adjust the dose for you. Upper body swelling is also associated with amlodipine use in children. You can also expect this symptom until a few days after youve stopped using this prescription. Sadly, throughout your continuous use of amlodipine, you might have to get used to this side effect of swelling. INFORMATION IS POWER I HAVE ALWAYS SAID THAT> KEEP SHARING PEOPLE. If patients experience issues like high blood pressure or chest pain while coming off amlodipine, a doctor may prescribe other blood pressure medications or lifestyle changes to better manage patient symptoms. Some days my ankles are swollen. I gained 18 pounds in a month. The S- isomer of amlodipine or Asomex is being studied in clinical trials and may lead to side effects such as fatigue or tiredness, dizziness or fainting, headache, flushing, or swelling of the legs or ankles. Edema refers to swelling that occurs because of the fluids that collect in your tissues due to amlodipine. Here are six common treatments which are effective at managing edema. This usually improves by raising your legs. Everyone was on Spring break but finally go ahold of Cardio Dr. and I was put on Losartan/HCTZ and swelling is slowly going down. 126 views Answered >2 years ago. The exact time depends on different factors: Symptoms after stopping amlodipine are not counted as withdrawal syndrome, as we see with opioid medications and other drugs that induce tolerance. Instruction. International journal of clinical practice,59(5), 562-570. Fiber can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar, both of which can raise blood pressure. Perhaps that is what our body needs. Sorry I can't give you more advice, but you're far from alone in having to cope with this unpleasant problem. The downside to this drug is the possibility of facing uncomfortable side effects such as swelling, headaches, dizziness, and more. You might have already read horror stories on its side effects online. Some patients may experience dizziness and headache once again as their body adjusts to not having amlodipine around. But sometimes they are reported by the patients. 1. Very thankful the pictures on the web brought me to your website. Was put on Valsartan 160, Hydrocloriazide and amlopidin 5mg. Your age, because older adults have a slower metabolism and drug clearance is slower. Now, about 6 years since I started to need bandages - I'm still dealing with my skin being so damaged, thin and fragile that I have to wear bandages in some places 24/7!! You may feel dizzy or faint upon standing up quickly after sitting or lying down. Hi Elaine, And you are experiencing a swollen ankle or feet after taking the drug. After a quick read, youll get an idea of whether your amlodipine intake is worth the adverse effects or not. Incorporate Turmeric and Cayenne into your diet. If you are having itching, rash, and red wheals on your skin, aka allergic reactions. Interestingly 3% of people taking a sugar pill (placebo) in the same studies reported fatigue also. My doctor increased my amlodopine from 5 to 10. Once you consult with your physician, they will most likely reduce the dose for you. Amlodipine induced swelling is very common and generally goes away by itself within one or two weeks at most. Two days into it, I was checked out at the local hospitals emergency department and stroke was ruled out. This will help in blood circulation and thus the fluid accumulation will get better as well. This is usually a temporary effect and goes away after you adjust to the medication. Eventually they rupture and I have to bandage my legs (often changing the bandages 2-6 times daily!) I have no experience with that medication however I have plenty of experience with foot and leg swelling! This long-lasting effect can be beneficial because you can limit yourself to a single daily dose. If an overdose is suspected, call the Poison Control Hotline at 1-800-222-1222, available 24 hours sevens days a week. Wholesomealive is an online healthcare media publishing website. Disclaimer: The comment response is opinion and in no way affiliated with my employer. ~2 liters for me. My go has taken me off amlodipine for a month after one week my feet and ankles are lovely now no swelling it also caused redness and recurring infections like cellulitis I am on 2beta blockers so hopefully I can stay off it . Can also expect this symptom until a few days after youve stopped using this prescription remove... Conclusion the increase infarction, stroke, and more is it Effective was in. & how long for swelling to go down after stopping amlodipine views Answered & gt ; 2 years.... Heart racing, 136 this time, Mudd, P., & Mahon... Period of time other side effects include edema in the Chicago area please... Overwhelmed once you consult with your prescribing physician should discuss an alternative with. It reduces symptoms such as swelling, headaches, dizziness, and red wheals on skin. Long-Term use of amlodipine some cases until a few days after youve stopped this... 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