PLoS One. The interviews were carried out in May 2013 and each interview lasted between 60 and 90 min and was held in the offices of the respondents or special rooms provided by the district medical officer (DMO) or in-charge of a health facility. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.05.016. Psychological or cognitive traits 2. PMC (KI 3: member of CHSB). Strategies to increase rural maternal utilization of skilled health personnel for childbirth delivery in low- and middle-income countries: a narrative review. All interviewed HFGC members reported that for many years, the lower level health facilities (health centers and dispensaries) are operating without budgets and they were not conversant with the annual activities and budgets, which have been developed, approved, and implemented by CHMT on their behalf. PLoS One. Annu Rev Public Health. Community participation: lessons for maternal, newborn, and child health. Draper AK, Hewitt G, Rifkin S. Chasing the dragon: developing indicators for the assessment of community participation in health programmes. government site. Projects with people: the practice of participation in rural development. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Google Scholar. Factors affecting effective community participation in maternal and newborn health programme planning, implementation and quality of care interventions. We identified five categories of implementation barriers and facilitators reported by the studies: 1) the extent to which there was an enabling and supportive environment or not; 2) the nature of community capacity; 3) health system factors; 4) features of the interface between community and health services; and, 5) intercultural competence and sensitivity of the programmes. *`?4e)g$2]PJA1M0w8jz|> ?~N:$ tOiE WWt4( These include: lack of awareness among HFGC members; lack of awareness on the roles and responsibilities of HFGC; poor means of communication and information sharing between CHMT and HFGC, lack of management capacity of members of HFGC, and lack of financial resources for HFGC activities in their respective areas. Political socialization 6. Webexamine the socio-cultural factors hindering effective youths participation in agricultural and marketing co-operatives and examine the economic factors hindering effective youths participation in agricultural and marketing co-operatives. A qualitative research uses a naturalist approach, which tries to understand phenomena in context-specific settings; it gives details and insights of participants experiences of the world (16). 8600 Rockville Pike The interview indicated that there is little support from government authorities at the district and village level to support the HFGCs in implementation of their roles especially in preparing and implementing the health facility plans. These factors contribute to poor information sharing among committee members on all issues pertaining to health facilities including those related to developing and implementing health facility plans and CCHP. The guide comprised of questions on the awareness of community participation in health planning, roles and responsibilities of CHSB, HFGCs and CHMT, information sharing among governance structures, management capacity, and availability of resources. Murewanhema G, Musuka G, Gwanzura C, Makurumidze R, Chitungo I, Chimene M, Tungwarara N, Dzinamarira T, Madziyire MG. Int J Environ Res Public Health. In short, we do not implement any activities outlined in the CCHP. Therefore, community members are expected to play an important role in developing local health plans through the established facility boards and committees. The aim of this study was to investigate (KI 8: in-charge of dispensary). (KI 8: in-charge of dispensary). 2014. One CHMT member said: CCHP is an annual activity plan for health sector developed by involving various stakeholders who also participate in its implementation. /F1 6 0 R Geneva: WHO. 2014;9(10):1125-38. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2014.953563. In the process of explaining (individual interviews), discussing (focus group discussions) and collectively evaluating (community conversation) community participation in the CHPS programme, different views and perspectives, pertaining to how community participation was applied in the programme, were inevitably raised. Materials and methods: Such involvement occurred because the implementation of the projects had a requirement that facility committees must endorse the implementation of such activities as explained by one of the HFGC chairperson: Yeah to tell the truth, we cannot say that we are implementing CCHP activities but in 2008 we were involved only in rehabilitation of our dispensary. Nobody received any kind of training related to our responsibilities as committee members, and we just work from experience. Google Scholar. Tran, Xuan Canh Indochinese parents and the Indochinese community tend to avoid participation in school activities and in the process of making decisions for their children's education. (KI 11: member of dispensary GC). Population Council: New Delhi; 2008. Factors affecting effective community participation in maternal and newborn health programme planning, implementation and quality of care interventions,, Health programme planning and implementation,,,, Factors that affect implementation of health promotion interventions for maternal and newborn health in low- and middle-income countries, 2013;1(4):1526. bottom-up planning approach in the development and implementation of CCHPs. However, this study identified several factors which hinder community participation in the development of CCHP. These include: lack of aware- Article BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 17, 268 (2017). x^\KsWq`039ETb$R3| ;zwWG_:?W#/jo}XBcsui[U>xX?7J^U//{1 [Wqf>wN|qZy6? Data were coded without essentially fitting them into a pre-existing researchers analytic pre-conception. Geneva: WHO; 2010. Community participation in in health programme planning, implementation and quality improvement was recently recommended in guidelines to improve use of skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period for women and newborns. USAID: Discusion Note; 2013. PubMed Some programmes were designed with this aim in mind; for example, the youth participation programme in Nepal and the Gender and Health Equity Network in China helped groups of socially marginalised people learn how to influence decision-making on health policy making and practice [20, 21, 27]. Communities were involved in designing programmes from the beginning in only two cases [19,20,21]; in four programmes, communities provided input on interventions [25,26,27,28]; and in seven, programme teams designed the programme and chose the interventions. These concepts were further analyzed based on the research objectives to categorize their similarities and differences as well as identifying the main emerging themes. Article They also said that the volunteers often discussed the difficulties with them. Gender issues in participatory development. More Citation Formats Issue Vol. Matern Neonatal Heal. Frumence G, Nyamhanga T, Mwangu M, Hurtig AK. Glob Health Action. Thus, relevant aspects are analysed regarding the community bonding that shapes young peoples transition to adulthood and the influence the protection system, (KI 3: member of health center GC). Many laypersons believe that evangelism is what we pay the pastors and staff to do. WebPredisposing factors for participation ranged from patients' beliefs and past experiences to demographic characteristics such as gender and age. The process of developing Comprehensive Council Health Plan (CCHP) shows that the HFGCs are consulted in the initial stage of health planning, which involves identification of priorities and needs to be included in the annual plans. EGK reviewed the literature, conducted interviews, transcribed the audio-recorded conversations, analyzed data, and prepared the first draft of the manuscript. As regards the implementation of the planned activities in the CCHP, the study found that the lower level health facilities staff are not aware of the annual facility budget, district budget, annual planned activities and even the action plans for implementing various activities in the CCHP. <> 2017 Dec 28;15(Suppl 2):107. doi: 10.1186/s12961-017-0274-9. Factors that hindered community participation included lack of awareness on the CCHP among HFGC members, poor communication and information sharing between CHMT and HFGC, unstipulated roles and responsibilities of HFGC, lack of management capacity among HFGC members, and lack of financial resources for implementing HFGC activities. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. A complete guide for practitioners. 2015 Mar 29;15:75. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0501-8. Process evaluation for community participation. Soc Sci Med. The identified challenges call for policy makers to revisit the decentralization by devolution policy by ensuring that local governance structures have adequate resources as well as autonomy to participate in planning and managing CCHP in general and health facility plans in particular. 3~ZV|oGm|l $.LTrF^THvQJ {/l$[W[z>?5f\|',{s)fw~QCq>>m~ opnh.lU[o~DrvX.v j WY CARE: Mh ADD; 2001. (KI 1: CHMT member). Studies also reported reduced absenteeism [25, 26], reduced drug stock-outs [19, 26], reduced waiting time [26], better examination procedures [26], improved facility infrastructure and equipment [19, 25, 27] and reduced use of untrained providers [25] as well as generally improved quality of care [17, 18]. Most studies did not report on specific harms. Results: Gender inequity manifested in different ways in different places. They reported of never hearing or having been introduced to CCHP and its processes before. Community participation in in health programme planning, implementation and quality improvement was recently recommended in guidelines to improve use of skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period for women and newborns. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. An official website of the United States government. The Factors Hindering Indochinese Parent Participation in School Activities. SURE Guides for Preparing and Using Evidence-Based Policy Briefs: identifying and addressing barriers to implementing policy options. Terms and Conditions, Myeya J. Stavrou V, Psych MC, et al. Better understanding of how best to support community participation processes to improve maternal and newborn health is essential, particularly methods of investigating adequately the effects of different programmes in what are inevitably complex and dynamic social settings. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Stud Fam Plan. The majority of studies reviewed that worked with committees reported that committees were most successful when their purpose and individual roles and responsibilities within the committees were clear [13]. When asked to explain their roles and responsibilities in the development of health plans, one respondent said: For my knowledge I know we are supposed to participate in development and implementation of health plans but we have not performed this role because we have not yet been trained on issues related to health plans. Authors provided very little information on the process of participation, what motivated different community members to participate, and how their participation contributed to successful outcomes. This study found that low levels of education among HFGC members contributed to low awareness on the theme of participation of HFGCs in developing and implementing health plans. Background of Study: In Pakistan, political process has been distracted due to many reasons especially lack of political participation. Background: A persistent challenge in many health programmes that was also evident in the studies reviewed here was a weak, irregular and ineffective supervision system for healthcare staff [26]. Community participation in local health boards in a decentralized setting: cases from the Philippines. In addition to the available evidence on the impact of participation, it is also important to understand which factors influence implementation of community participation interventions for maternal and newborn health. Intercultural sensitivity/competence that acknowledges, respects and builds on existing local beliefs and practices, considers gender rights and roles, understands social networks and norms, uses local languages and materials accessible to the range of literacy and numeracy skills within the programme context. Zakus JD, Lysack CL. Kumar S. London: ITDG; 2002. 2002 May;54(10):1471-80. doi: 10.1016/s0277-9536(01)00135-6. Studies reported many facilitating and inhibiting factors related to community capacity development, both generally in terms of community leadership, governance and management, and more specifically in relation to health knowledge, skills and abilities. Despite availability of policies, guidelines, and community representative organs, actual implementation of decentralization strategies is poorly achieved. Report on policy and administrative training to governance structures in the Free State Province. CAS (KI 6: chairperson of dispensary GC). 3 0 obj World Health Organization, UNICEF. Barbey et al. 2008;15(2):1520. Rifkin SB. Cookies policy. However, neither CHMT nor facility heads requested feedback for the implementation of the provided instructions. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Research and Publication Committee granted ethical clearance to conduct the study. /Length 4391 (KI 2: CHMT member). (KI 10: in-charge of health center). Despite availability of policies, guidelines, and community representative organs, actual implementation of decentralization strategies is poorly achieved. In Indonesia, the SIAGA social mobilization project intentionally built on the traditional value of collective help (gotong royong) as the foundation for their alert community campaign. For that reason they lack management skills and knowledge to perform their duties in development and implementation of CCHP as narrated by one of the respondents: CHMT respondents also confirmed the findings that members of the HFGC were not trained or oriented in their duties and responsibilities particularly including those related to management of health facilities and their involvement in health planning: Members of the CHMT reiterated that lack of funds for conducting capacity building programs including training on management and planning has largely contributed to lack of management capacity, especially planning skills, among HFGC members. The study found that there were no official documents available at the lower level health facility level regarding roles and responsibilities, which could guide the daily operations of the committees. Data were collected using in-depth interviews. A respondent from the dispensary governing committee said: the existing system of information sharing between CHMT and HFGCs is not adequate. 1 0 obj Among other things, the national and local authorities could design awareness intervention campaigns on community participation and health planning, making clear definitions of functions, roles, and responsibilities of HFGC; design and implement a capacity development program for HFGCs for the purposes of raising (HFGC) community's knowledge on CCHP particularly focused on community participation in development and implementation of health plans through HFGC; and establish strong communication between HFGCs and CHMT on matters related to CCHP. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61406-3. via stakeholder committees; intercultural sensitivity; and a focus on interventions to strengthen community capacity to support health. Epub 2014 Sep 24. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal WebSelf-determination is another essential principle that should be encouraged during community development, as self-determination supports individuals to having the rights PLoS One. Respondents reported lack of a specific budget in the Council Health Plan for financing HFGC activities. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Factors that hinder community participation in developing and implementing comprehensive council health plans in Manyoni District, Tanzania, Regional Health Management Team (RHMT), Singida Region, Tanzania, Department of Development StudiesSchool of Public Health and Social Sciences, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Choosing Qualitative Research: A Primer for Technology Education Researchers. What I know is that the CHMT usually involves the lower health facilities staff in the CCHP preparation but the problem is that the HFGC members are not aware of what is going on due to the fact that they have never been oriented or trained on health planning. Relevant stakeholders must be actively involved, particularly those often excluded from decision making. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Most studies did not report on their definition of community and it is unclear whether they had operational definitions or were working with implicit understandings such as a rough geographical definition. stream However, the committees are reportedly performing or involved partially with other roles such as sensitizing the community to join the CHF, receiving and opening new drug kits, creating awareness on health problems, monitoring disease outbreaks, and giving advice to communities on health matters. Int Health. The Manyoni district was considered a case study for exploring views and ideas from the members of facility governing committees, CHSBs, and CHMTs who have real-life experiences (13) in participating in health planning at the community level. Ongoing local conflict also affected their sense of security and limited access to health facilities [16]. Regarding the hindering aspects, the staff expressed the feedback they obtained from the volunteer during the intervention. Interventions to provide culturally-appropriate maternity care services: factors affecting implementation. Moreover, this study found that the HFGCs did not conduct their scheduled quarterly meetings as per the CHSB's establishment tool of 2001. In this study, we have found that most of the members of HFGC had primary education level, which seems to be insufficient to make them competent in performing their roles without exposing them to appropriate capacity building programs through training. This situation complicates further efforts to design effective interventions (10). Business transactions may be limited among different communities or regions more if they have social and cultural differences as this may inhibit geographical mobility. Bookshelf Participation in primary health care through community-level health committees in Sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative synthesis. The comments from CHMT on collection of user fees and CHF were not different from those of HFGC members, as reported by of the CHMT members: Yes the facilities submit to us the collection of user fees and CHF because lower level facilities have not yet started to operationalize bank account; they are supposed to write the request of expenditure of their money after getting the permission of HFGC. Taleb F, Perkins J, Ali NA, Capello C, Ali M, Santarelli C, Hoque DM. Current limited evidence suggests that the vision of community participation as a process and the presence of a focus to strengthen community capacity to participate and to improve health may be a key factor for long term success; Community participation in health is: a process whereby people, both individually and in groups, exercise their right to play an active and direct role in the development of appropriate health services, in ensuring the conditions for sustained better health and in supporting the empowerment of community to help development p.10 [1]. Furthermore, lack of funds for conducting training programs, lack of uniformity in the procedure of appointing members of HFGC, and negative attitude of CHMT toward strengthening the HFGC to perform their duties have also contributed to lack of management capacity especially planning skills among HFGC members. WebThe study established that high cost of living coupled with high unemployment rate and lack of morale contributed to negligible community participation in the development of ECD A respondent from the lower level health facility reported that they had no budget or any activities assigned from district level for them to implement at the facility level. Some communities had limited access to facilities because of distance, difficult terrain and lack of funds for transport, while health service providers may face problems trying to reach communities and supervise community health workers [16, 18, 19]. Biomed Res Int. The identified challenges facing the HFGCs in the development and implementation of CCHP calls for policy makers both at national and district levels to revisit the decentralization by devolution policy by ensuring that local governance structures have adequate resources as well as autonomy to participate in planning and managing CCHP in general and health facility plans in particular. There is an urgent need for better qualitative data to be collected in future studies to ensure that dynamics and processes are captured to inform future participation programs [4, 7]. An evaluation of a community-based approach to safe motherhood in northwestern Tanzania. Culturally-appropriate materials in local languages are needed that are suitable for a range of literacy and numeracy skills for programmes where community members participate in analysis of health data as a basis for decision-making and action [14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 28]. Another respondent said that members might not be aware of the CCHP because the majority of them have primary level education, which does not expose them to planning concepts. PubMed This district was selected because it is one of the districts in Singida region which, according to the regional CCHP Assessment Report (14), has low involvement of lower level health facilities in planning processes of developing CCHP compared to other districts in the Region. Before Conclusions: % Bull World Health Organ. Public Heal Res. 2000;15(3):25562. 43 No. Four approaches to capacity building in health: consequences for measurement and accountability. Class mark (EAF PAM LA1842.N48). Our respondents said that HFGC were rarely involved in the implementation of some activities such as construction/rehabilitation of facility buildings. Community involvement in health development: a review of the concept and practice. %PDF-1.5 un-implementable or end up being partially implemented. The training of CCHP emerged as an important theme which may enhance or lower awareness of CCHP among CHMTs and HFGCs members. This paper draws from an initial report produced by Lisa Howard-Grabman for the World Health Organization. This study intended to find out factors that hinder community participation in developing and implementing Comprehensive Council Health Plan (CCHP). The site is secure. 319. Members of committees in India and Kenya were reported to appreciate having a better understanding of their own roles and responsibilities, for instance in the decision making process for resource allocation and financial management [15, 19]. GF reviewed the manuscript and contributed to its revision and also provided overall guidance to the conception and design of the study. 2004. International Center for Research on Woman. Stakeholder dialogue in developing culturally-acceptable childbirth services in Peru was reported to have helped create mutual understanding between communities and service providers and the new services developed as a result were hailed as a success locally [28]. endobj Lancet. Health Promot Int. -, Rosato M, Laverack G, Grabman LH, Tripathy P, Nair N, Mwansambo C, et al. Interventions at family level found approaching mothers-in-law helpful, as they were more receptive to community organizers than husbands [25]. /F4 15 0 R Workshop Paper 11, Institutional and economic perspectives on government capacity to assume new roles in the health sector: a review of experience, in University of Birmingham series The Role of Government in Adjusting Economies Paper 4, UK, November 1995, Making it work! We extracted data from 16 studies that could shed light on factors influencing implementation using an adapted SURE (Supporting the Use of Research Evidence) framework [12]. 2006;92(3):3208. 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