You are more on your own coming this way. Annual sculpture exhibition May 1st, to October 1st. From there, take the Canada Line to Waterfront Station. Ignore the "park is closed" signs, we are not going into the park anyways. As for who's responsible,the RCMP, for instance, say the park is governed by Washington State. About 3,500 cars pass through it on a slow day, and as many as 4,800 cars on a busy day. To PACIFIC HIGHWAY: Take I-5. This bus will take you straight to the Bridgeport station on the Canada Line -- much more convenient than two buses to Surrey, at least for me. Tenters at Peace Arch Historical State Park in the United States as shot from 0 avenue in Surrey on Wednesday. However, legally, there is no restriction on simply walking across the border. Whether you're headed north or south on Interstate 5, this park is a worthy stop and a moving reminder that peace is possible. The border crossing typically closes at 11 am and re-opens at 4pm. However, you must pass through customs. It removed a significant safety hazard because people no longer have to walk on the I-5 shoulder to reach the park on either side.