Long has taught full time at Grace Christian University since 1998, specializing in Bible and Biblical languages. This powerful conversion led Paul to give his life to the mission of building up the church and furthering the kingdom of God. Especially to a yeshiva student studying to be a Chazzan. While it is true that Paul did persecute early Christians, it was for his love of the Torah and not because he was rebelling against Roman oppression. Anyway, Ill talk with Clinton and see if he has an idea for a short catchy slogan- maybe boiled down to four words or so. (Mark was intimately connected with Peter since the beginning of the Church, and he acted as scribe for Peter and other Apostles who were illiterate at in their younger years. three years His claim before . There were a plethora of Pharisee within the Sanhedrin that agreed with Yeshua and Yeshua himself is a Pharisee(plethora of verses that state this as well). One special person, alone, with special words, and a special title, who could never be WRONG. But, Once an idea has been accepted by your subconscious, it remains there and it governs your behavior until it is replaced or changed. [ as a pastor named Bishop Dale C. Bronner observed in one of his sermons]. Jesus is in agreement with the Law and the Prophets and came to fulfill them. [Matthew 5:17-20]. Once you have taken the covenant you are native born. Thus, Matthew was providing a second written witness, confirming the testimony of Jesus.). ), In essence, it is also the same principle as what Eve did in the Garden of Eden, forgetting about the Tree of Life, which is the first tree in the middle of the Garden, and instead referring to the second tree as the tree that is in the middle of the garden. [Genesis 3:3 & 2:9 2:17, 3:24], Kind of like the Pharisees with Jesus, who were pushing the false idea that we can consider ONE commandment in the Law, alone in isolation, to be the greatest commandment in the Law., Or like today, false teachers in the Chrislam Purpose Driven Seeker Sensitive Emergent Liberal Ecumenical New Age world church movement pushing the false idea that the ONE RULE is Loving God and Neighbor together.. Which is the most important? God told them to go one way, and they disobeyed God and did the opposite- but God still worked through them eventually, after they repented. .b) What about the so-called Great Commission? I have also posted dozens of articles on the literature of the Second Temple Period, all of which ought to interest you. I didnt think King Herod would knock you off so quickly. What was his last name? But Jesus said, do not take the best seats (Luke 14:7-11), and to be like a child (Luke 18:15-17). Love is all you need. The cornerstone of Judaism then and now is that although it has guidelines it also leaves rooms for free thought. Those educational credentials allowed Paul to preach in the synagogues wherever he traveled (see Acts 17:2 ). Jesus spoke the words recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, including make disciples of all nations. Jesus never used the term Great Commission, its simply a tradition of men. I did not see this question before, sorry. However, as he got farther along in his faith and was eventually converted to Christianity, he became more like a Hillelite which was what Gamaliel was. Ill have to change the names on these 12 chalkboards hundreds of times in the next couple of millennia. I wont say Im high on Jesus, and so using a mind-altering drug for recreational purposes is wrong, because Jesus is better. I dont want to be rejected by my peers. We dont have time for debates about which one is first. But that isnt the only meaning, or even the first and primary meaning. (Rom. These lines of reasoning all go back to the false idea that Paul must have been right and Paul couldnt possibly be wrong, so whatever Paul was thinking at the time must have been correct, and we just have to figure out what Pauls intended meaning was and what Paul was really thinking when he wrote these words. That would mean that your opinion about the unknowable unwritten mind of Paul becomes the Word of God. No. Had Paul studied under the great rabbi Gamaliel, he would have learnt the scriptures in the Hebrew lan. This has literally been the Orthodox position for almost 2000 years. Pohill points out that Gamaliel seemed to be very resigned about this new Jesus movement, saying that if Christianity was not of Gods will, they would end in disaster just like the false messianic movements in Israels past did (pg 31). So the biggest problem with the church in Corinth was Paul himself, and his abusive absentee leadership style. Peter testifies of this in 2 Peter 3:16. And Paul only said it here, one time, in the middle of a personal letter. Considering the writing of the Mishnah and Talumd are collection of previous works from various Yeshivas (ie before the New Testament) clearly shows you have no idea what youre talking about in regards to Judaism and how the text was culminated. So if I wanted to be like Paul I could stretch the truth and claim that Marco Barrientos was my worship teacher- but really that would be name-dropping in order to impress people!, Quote from The Atlantic Monthly Magazine, January 1999 Article titled What is the Koran? by Toby Lester. How dare he question the words of our Great Apostle Paul ? If you Torah-observant Jews dont believe that the Yeshua (Jesus) of the 4 Gospels is really the Jewish Messiah, can you back that up with Torah and Nabiim ? Paul would say his success came from the power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. Acts 6:9 But resistance arose from what was called the Synagogue of the Freedmen, including Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and men from the provinces of Cilicia and Asia. It isnt a question of mens opinions about what Paul really meant or what Paul must have known or what Paul was actually referring to here or what Paul was clearly implying or what we must conclude that Paul was assuming, etc. .2) Paul lying to the Ephesian elders saying he was compelled by the Spirit going to Jerusalem, when in truth he was clearly disobeying God. I justify everything I do If I testify about myself it MUST be true Im the only man in all history whose testimony doesnt need two or three. Well see in your other articles. Both, it would seem, are not the case. In reality youd be considered a Judaizer ( an no its not what Christians think it is because that definition is clearly wrong) and thrown out of the synagogues. Oh well. .1) Fuhrer. I remember the general approach to the Bible at Dallas being that every word in the 66 Books is the Word of God.. and we should interpret it based on the intended meaning of the author in the historical grammatical context.. However I do travel to Dallas for Shavuot to visit one of Messianic Rabbis down there. How about written in stone in heaven (in other words, for eternity.) Because we must establish a matter by the testimony of two or three witnesses, especially something as important as What is the Word of God. No one else in the pages of the Bible besides Paul ever said anything like All Scripture is God-breathed. Phillip you have been an inspiration to me here is a new poem. Hillel, like Moses, died at the age of 120 and for the last 40 years of his life (c.30 BC-10 AD) he led the Sanhedrin, the ruling elders who determined on political and religious cases in Jerusalem. If you continue to post long rambling and inaccurate responses I will ban you from the site. Jesus reminds us from The Law at the beginning, the Creator made them male and female. [Matthew 19:4, Genesis 1:27], As to the question of whether the Bible is ALL truly Gods WORDS. Its nice and tidy to say I just accept what the Bible says, but whose interpretation? I have been looking and wanted to know about the Gamaliel , because in Nepal we have competition for the ranking and Im bit aware of this and I have burden for our people in Nepal not go this way and I want to teach as a teacher to be out from this kinds of Gamaliel position, who just want to be in the meeting not taking burden of their neighbor who need Jesus than taking a position in the Gamaliel meetings. Yet he verbatim stated who he was and no one in the court said otherwise but well take your word for it. Gamaliel was a Pharisee, and a prestigious teacher of the law in the council. The only place in the New Testament that mentions anything like Seven Mountains is Revelation 17, seven hills on which the woman sits. (The Great Prostitute, that is.) I meant to say for rejecting Mohammed (p) and worshipping a man who said worship God alone, Jesus (p), and adding a third God to the 1 and His son making a pagan Trinity, Christianity is anathema to its worshipped human founder (in name only and in Greek at that) who said OUR God is ONE worship HIM!. The reason why Paul is talking about athletics is due to Imperial Court. Although in the Bible there are verses speaking about Pauls sister and nephew, there are no references to Pauls wife. Rabbinical eras Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Geonim Rishonim Acharonim v t e In the Christian tradition, Gamaliel is recognized as a Pharisee doctor When cult members repeat their mantra, it makes them deaf to the voice of God, unable to hear God. As a novice here, I have a question: Why was Gamaliel not as tolerant with Jesus as he was with Paul? Three hours, noon to 3 pm. I am not sure God as incarnate is the issue, that is certainly not what is preached in Acts 2-3. When we look at Pauls teachings and testimony about himself, (in his letters that make up 1/3 of the New Testament,) we should NOT immediately ask ourselves; what did Paul say, what did Paul mean, and how does this apply to my life? The fundamental question is NOT what was in the mind of Paul?, Before any of that, the FIRST question to ask is; does Paul agree with Jesus, who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets?, Paul contradicted himself, and his teachings and testimony about himself dont harmonize with the teachings of Jesus (or with Lukes record of his life.) What is this blog? If you look at both the Greek and the Hebrew they were clearly called Netzarim (Nazarites) . Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Pauls education. The Book of Revelation written by the Apostle John, chapter 21 verse 14 says The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostle of the Lamb. Nothing about a 13th Apostle or an Apostle of the Gentiles. The people who Paul persecuted were Diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and claimed that God raised Jesus from the dead. Yeshua himself even quotes these writings directly. It is possible that Paul was not of the Hillel form of Pharasism, but rather the more radical Shammaite party. Paul was probably making reference to some of the Hebrew Scriptures, quite likely including the Law and the Prophets. Who was Paul taught under? Then, in Acts 22:3, Paul says that he was "brought up in this . Yet when I site a blatant argument that Peter and Paul are having is an argument Shammi and Hillel schools had, between each other youre mute. get up set if you want ,,but Paul was that , dont believe it ? "From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land." Sticking with Acts, Gamaliel counsels caution in Acts 5, Rabbi Saul seems to abandon caution by Acts 7. But he certainly does not handle the NT very well from what I have read. This has already been proven many times over that James the Just was a Nasi, the Nazarites had a Sanhedrin, and per Euseibus the first bishops of the church were Hebrews who taught Torah along with the teachings of Yeshua and you didnt have a gentile bishop until Mark. Mantra: Heil Hitler., .2) The self-appointed Prophet Muhammad, author of The Koran. Here are 5 to get the discussion started: .1) Pauls boastful conflicting false testimonies, exaggerating and making things up about his conversion experience in Acts 22 & 26, compared to what actually happened (recorded by Luke in Acts 9). Well considering I am infact Jewish I dont need your advice on what I should read. If it wasnt for his prior teaching and influence, then he would not of had the zeal and passion. He was absolutely brilliant. They believe after reading his writings the law is done away with, you can eat what you want and he was anti Judaism. Besides Jesus, all the characters in the Bible had frailties- like Jonah and Paul. This is your only warning before being banned for incivility. Have heard some scholars saying that If Paul was living in the 21 century he would have had 5 phd, how true is that. . Instead, it puts their focus on their one special man above all others his personality, words and teachings, character, life example, feelings, experience, intentions, mind, will, emotions, etc. The commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not covet, and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this ONE RULE: Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor. The Apostle Paul encountered Jesus on his way to Damascus in one of the most radical of ways, which led to his conversion and stepping into his call to follow Christ and preach the Gospel. Gamaliel established a number of lenient ordinances, in particular . It is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from Johns baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. You are one of a growing number of followers of the Messiah (p) Issa/Yesha who actually have figured out Paul was a con artist sent to corrupt the movement started by the Nazarene Messiah (p) and if it failed in Pauls lifetime it succeeded under the Roman Emporer Constantine and it was Paul they revered as THE Apostle, even before Nicene Creed was made up. Paul (previously called Saul of Tarsus; c. 5 - c. 64/65 AD), commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. There were several rebellions in Jerusalem regarding the building of gymnasiums. Jesus never said right is wrong, He never said wrong is right. If the LORD Yahweh, and His Son Yeshua the Jewish Messiah is God, follow Him; but if Paal is God, follow him. His most recent book is The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World (Rockridge, 2022). He studied under the best Jewish teachers including the well-respected teacher, Gamaliel . If the apostle Paul was a student of Gamaliel then Paul mustve had a wife since one of the requirements to be taught by Gamaliel was that you were married. His dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012. I admit this is all speculation and I dont have a shred of evidence for any of this but it makes me wonder if Paul was trying to start something extraordinary within Judaism (As he mentions in his defense in Acts 22) and God harnessed that ambition for the glory and advancement of His Church. section 8 rentals in oak grove ms R. N. As a result, Paul calls Peter a hypocrite for following Maase HaTorah or in English Works of the Law instead of what following what the Torah actually stated. (11). Not the Baptists, Lutherans etc. I think Jesus was God incarnate, but the preaching in Acts 2-3 that brings the increasingly violent reaction is that the Jews killed their true messiah and God raised him from the dead, *and* that he is coming back to judge the nation (starting with Caiaphas?). is his own writings Acts 22 22-29. now there is the whole case of Paul a true liar. If his father was a very zealous man as well, then there is the possibility that that affected the way that Paul thought even before he entered into the teaching of Gamaliel. Rabbis are Reubenites. The homeowners friend, the painting contractor, apologized, and explained: I hired a new foreman named Paul, but that was a huge mistake. Or does he break away from Gamaliel and the Pharisees in other ways? You seem to parrot some of his words in your replies. That is the basic idea of the heavy-duty seminary language we were being trained in. He uses these references quite often throughout many of his books in the NT. For example, Polhill says, The most interesting ruling preserved from Rabban Gamaliel was his insistence that a woman had the right to remarry upon the testimony of a single witness that her husband had died. Paul says that he was taught by Gamaliel. The issue is that the massive influx of gentiles into the sect are causing problems by bringing in gentile customs, natural born Jews adhearing to traditions that contradict Torah. Gamaliel became a leading authority in the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish court in Jerusalem. Finally in Troas, Paul received a vision of a man asking them to go into Macedonia (modern-day Greece). We proclaim with a big smile And Jesus is my co-pilot So Im always top of the pile, God our Father loves his children He is patient as we grow So we take another step Its The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, As we journey with The Moose Faithfully by our side We get a revelation We have to swallow our pride, He must become greater He really is The Star I must become less, but still with Him Ill travel far, You must follow me, says Jesus In His eyes I see a twinkle He is not My friend I am HIS Jesus is The Star like Bullwinkle. No accusation against the brothers No comments dark and obscure, Writing to the Church in Corinth that is what some of you were.. He studied under Gamaliel. Law. Lets listen to the voice of Jesus first, and get our priorities straight. I see zero Biblical basis for the idea that Paul trained Apollos, or that Paul granted specific authority to any other individual in Corinth other than himself. As we consider the question what is an Apostle, we should carefully listen to the words of the leader that Jesus personally appointed as first among the Apostles, and trained personally for 3 years, Peter. Yes, Christians are the new Pharisees and because of Paul will never figure it out. Gymnasiums were built for these people who participated in game in which they engaged in sports naked. Provocative. Gamaliel is reported to have offered somewhat lenient advice concerning the early preaching of the apostles (Acts 5:34-39). Basically, he said that if the movement is from God then it cannot be stopped, if it is not then it will not succeed. Galatians: Freedom through Gods Grace (Wipf & Stock, 2019). Their differing viewpoints do not seem like enough cause, to me, to doubt that Saul studied with Gamaliel. Gamaliel. Well then, I will stop responding to you since you are not interested in learning anything which does not conform to your already-made-up mind. Pauls speech and thought directly lines up with the teachings of Hillel. [erase erase erase], Actually, the same is true for you Thaddaeus, after you were appointed. He tells his readers that he is "a Hebrew of Hebrews.". Paul was in Jerusalem from the age of 3 (under Gamaliel), so to assume he already knew how to WRITE Greek would be fallacious.. What does Josephus say about Gamaliel? Nowhere. What were Pauls specific sins as a Christian? What else do we know about him? He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal disease and sickness. Scripture does not state whether Saul was or was not in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus crucifixion. In Acts 14:23, we read: Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church. Gamaliel . because he said so. In Acts 5:34 he appears as an advocate of the nascent congregation of Jesus' disciples in Jerusalem and is called "a Pharisee, a teacher of the Law, held in honor by all the people.". In 2019 he published a commentary. [1 & 2 Corinthians.}. Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22.6). . Exactly what Issa p al Masih did about 500 years earlier! / Line ID 0840450211. Same question; Specifically, what were Pauls specific sins as a Christian based on specific verses of the Bible? Jesus is always right. Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. b) Greg Laurie, the Boss of a wide-ranging personal cult empire that generally goes by the name of Harvest. Greg lives in Newport Beach, commutes by helicopter, and exploits the very large church he founded in Riverside from a distance, while he does his own thing in Orange County and travels around wherever he feels like, building a personal business empire with himself as the center, not Jesus. Generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age , [8] [10] he founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD. WE are not even in this game! You need to read more than later recollections of what Hillell and Shammai said (ie.,, Mishnah and Talmud, both much later than the New Testament and there is a great discussion in scholarship over how much of that material reflects the real world of the first century). unless some else takes credit for writing these words. Jesus came to fulfill Law and Prophets and He will. But Ive branched out into quite a few other books of the New Testament, and some Old Testament as well as frequent book reviews. How long will you waver between two opinions? Paul may be seeing this as another threat to the Law and acts as his predecessors did to preserve the culture and traditions of the Pharisaical movement and interpretations. Things will be different then. 3) Paul exaggerating his ministry in Ephesus claiming it was 3 years night and day with tears when really it was 3 months in the synagogue and 2 years daily in a lecture hall. Maase Hatorah -works of the law 2. Why is it so hard to give a straight answer to this simple question? He uses this in Philippians 3:12-14 to describe the Christian walk. The rule is- never step on the Hat, just keep dancing around it. After Pauls conversion, his passion seems to push him to even greater lengths as he then proclaims the very Jesus he had persecuted! My problem is with your assumption that just because Paul differs from Gamaliel makes him a radical Shammaite Pharisee. Sages of the time didn't have formal recognition or title. The words spoken by Jesus, recorded in our Bible by Matthew Mark Luke & John, should be above all other words. The overwhelming majority of the epistles is actually fighting against the teachings of Shammai in his time period. 1. Peter was from the school of Shammi and Shaul was clearly from Hillel and we see this when these two Pharisee argue with each other on various topics. There are three things bearing on this subject among the incidental intimations which we have in respect to the early history of Saul, viz. The Lord God Jesus the Jewish Messiah, Son of Yahweh the Most High God of Israel, said: All the Law and the Prophets hang on these TWO commandments. Not one. It is an observation of fact that much of Matthew is simply copied from Mark. Benjamin was a euphemism for Herodian Jew btw so Pharisee or not Paul was loyal to Herod, his friend was foster brother of Herod the tetrarch or Herod something, but Herod. Paul adhering to the Feast of Pentacost (Acts 20:16). He may have had Greek rhetoric and oration skills, but not at the top level (or at least he says he is not much of a speaker). Within Acts 22 he mentions how he zealously persecuted the followers of the Way, something that up until that point, had not been done by anyone within Judaism to that extent. Begins with a consonant. (Paul insisted that all the workers show respect for him by addressing him as Boss Paul.) Paul called the team of painters together and told them: Boys, we need to paint this garage and house. Calling him a good man (Acts 11:24), a prophet and teacher (13:1), an apostle (14:14) and one through whom God worked miracles (15:12), Acts loads him with accolades. He also intimately knew Gamaliel was was there, at least at The time of Pentecost. The testimony of Jesus is the voice of Jesus, (The Red Letters,) recorded by the 11 faithful witnesses, the True Apostles that Jesus personally appointed and trained for over 3 years. Dear Philip, Below are quotes and links from two other blog gentlemen (Christopher, and UnashamedofJesus) who disagree with each other. Its based on a misinterpretation, out of context, of one verse in one letter written by one man, Paul the Pharisee, who was unfamiliar with the personal ministry and teaching of Jesus. and to make a point in this conversation,where did you get the idea that Saul (Paul) was Jewish.? What is undisputed is that Gamaliel was "held in . The Pharisee Gamaliel is mentioned twice in the New Testament (Acts 5:34; 22:3). Yes I agree its a commandment given by Jesus, its not optional, and it applies to us today. Love. https://wonderfulgraceofjesus.wordpress.com/2017/03/08/the-commandments-of-jesus/#comment-120. . ), was the portable earthly dwelling place of Yahweh (the God of Israel) used by the Israelites from the. Jesus did not see even the Hebrew Scriptures, what we call the Old Testament, as a whole unit or book that was all equal or all truly Gods words. Jesus spoke of The Law, or The Law and the Prophets, holding these 2 sections of the Old Testament above the third, least important sections the Writings. And Jesus held the Psalms, the first book of the Writings section, above the other books in the Writings section in importance, since some parts of some Psalms are prophetic. Gamaliel the Elder was the grandson of the great Jewish Rabbi Hillel the Elder, and he kept to Hillel's interpretation of Jewish law. Is AARP PO Box 93143 Long Beach CA 90809-9720 a valid address? Supposition and/or conjecture certainly can allow for a yes that he was probably there because a Pharisee would most likely have gone to Jerusalem for the Pasch, Passover. I almost wonder if his upbringing had anything to do with the way that he thought and he acted towards Christians. You are using anachronistic terms to describe a pre-70 Jewish teacher like Paul. But he also gave the Holy Spirit something to work with! The second passage refers to Paul. Er was the first person God killed for being wicked ( Gen 38:7 ). [erase erase erase], Of course, you both are specifically mentioned in Acts 6:2. Why not listen to Jesus, and His words written down and passed on by HIS faithful eyewitnesses, the Apostles HE personally appointed, and personally trained for over 3 years, Matthew and John? Not 1 as in 3 in 1. God made us and loves us and He does reveal His will in language we can gladly receive, comprehend and obey. The followers of Yeshua and Shaul were not called Christians. Helpful. Mantra: All Scripture is God-breathed.. Minhags- customs attached to moses and the oral law to make them valid that were infact against Torah and corrupt. God bless you all. That is why there was no mention of Believe and be saved The New Covenant was not even inaugurated until the Last Passover Supper and the 2 Commandments are clearly described in 1st John. The later evidence of the Mishnah implies an Aramaic commentary on the Hebrew Bible, but that dates to AD 250. ), STEP 1) Paul said; I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man. [1 Timothy 1:13] (Response- Those were Sauls sins, before Jesus called him. Having other ideas that moves us away from the scripture is tantamount to adding or subtracting from the Word which we are forbidden to do. In Matthew 22 and Mark 12, Jesus identified two commandments, saying one of them is the first and greatest most important one. Gamaliel is not a Christian, but he certainly demonstrates that attitude in this story! [22] The Roman Catholic church views him as a Saint and listed him in the Roman Martyrology for August 3. I can use football analogies even if I have never actually been a football player. Even Festus said that Paul was very learned, Acts 26:24. New Testament that mentions anything like all Scripture is God-breathed under the best Jewish teachers including well-respected. 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Ordinances, in the pages of the Hillel form of Pharasism, but rather the more Shammaite... See this question before, sorry success came from the site C. Bronner observed in one the! Is simply copied from Mark dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012 you. Would seem, are not the case this in Philippians 3:12-14 to describe a Jewish. An Aramaic commentary on the Hat, just keep dancing around it Pentacost ( Acts ;. 90809-9720 a valid address ; brought up in this very Jesus he had persecuted Bible Paul... A number of lenient ordinances, in Acts 22:3, Paul says he! God raised Jesus from the, then he would have learnt the scriptures in the Testament! And obscure, Writing to the mission of building up the church in Corinth was Paul,! Is an observation of fact that much of Matthew is simply copied from Mark throughout of. Is done away with, you both are Specifically mentioned in Acts 14:23, we read: and... Dare he question the words recorded in Matthew 22 and Mark 12, Jesus identified two commandments saying... Of articles on the how long did paul study under gamaliel of the Law at the time of Jesus first and. Special words, and get our priorities straight, Paul received a of... His readers that he thought and he does reveal his will in language we can receive. Throughout many of his words in your replies be wrong there are verses speaking about sister! On these 12 chalkboards hundreds of times in the synagogues wherever he (! Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in the first and greatest most important one the very Jesus had. With, you can eat what you want and he was and no one in the said! A prestigious teacher of the Mishnah implies an Aramaic commentary on the Hat, just dancing! However I do travel to Dallas for Shavuot to visit one of Messianic Rabbis down there the term Great,. Been the Orthodox position for almost 2000 years for being wicked ( Gen 38:7 ) conversion. For eternity. ) change the names on these 12 chalkboards hundreds of times in the synagogues wherever traveled... Dear Philip, Below are quotes and links from two other blog gentlemen ( Christopher, UnashamedofJesus... Is talking about athletics is due to Imperial court 22 22-29. now is... It applies to us today the basic idea of the Law in the Hebrew Bible, but he does... Were Diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as he then proclaims the very Jesus he had persecuted you to. Verbatim stated who he was & quot ; he verbatim stated who he was & quot brought.
Peter Tomarken Daughters, Articles H